Haydn Gawer published their profile.
Haydn Gawer updated the Trimmer (2022) project.
Haydn Gawer updated their profile.
Someone created an account (profile not yet published).
JH followed up their expression of interest in the Actors for Books opportunity offered by Rural Artiste.
The DoomFest UK brand profile was updated by Michael McCall.
Jon-Luke Goodman created an account.
LC followed up their expression of interest in the Screenwriter opportunity offered by Kazuo Chaed.
ID expressed interest in the Composer opportunity offered by Sheherazade Bodin on the Broken Bird project.
Matthew Hill published their profile.
Matthew Hill updated their profile.
MH followed up their expression of interest in the Actors for Books opportunity offered by Rural Artiste.
AB expressed interest in the Composer opportunity offered by Sheherazade Bodin on the Broken Bird project.
MR expressed interest in the Composer opportunity offered by Sheherazade Bodin on the Broken Bird project.
CMD expressed interest in the Composer opportunity offered by Sheherazade Bodin on the Broken Bird project.
GJR followed up their expression of interest in the Voice Actor opportunity offered by Rural Artiste on the International Electronics Brand Video project.
Scott Allen updated their profile.
SA followed up their expression of interest in the Actors for Books opportunity offered by Rural Artiste.
Thomas Oughton published the The Line between by max jones project.
SAM followed up their expression of interest in the Actors for Books opportunity offered by Rural Artiste.